How do I search for Dissertations and Theses?
1. Navigate to the Library’s website. This can be done by navigating directly to It is recommended that you make a bookmark or a favorite.
2. Next, log into the library system. Click the “Library Log-In” button at the top of the navigation bar. This will take you to a search page.
3. Sign into your library account. Click the “Sign In” link on the upper right. This will enable you to make interlibrary loan requests.
4. In the “Resources” dropdown menu, select “Library Databases.” This will take you to a list of databases, including the Dissertations and Theses database.
5. Select the “ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database”. It can be found in the “Other Links” box on the lower left.
6. Once there, enter in your search terms of interest. To search dissertations and theses at Divine Mercy University, add “The Institute for Psychological Sciences” under the University/Institution field. This will bring you to the results.
7. You can also navigate there from the library website. Under the search page (after you log in), select "Library Website" in the "Library Links" menu.
8. Then, select the "Databases" option in the "Find" dropdown menu in the navigation bar.