How do I search for journal articles using the library?


1. Navigate to the DMU Library home page. You can go directly to It is recommended that you make a bookmark or a favorite to facilitate future access. 

2. Sign in using the “Library Log-In” link at the top navigation bar. Doing so will allow you to utilize more of the library’s electronic resources that require authentication. Then, sign in using your unique barcode you got via email, and password. You will be forwarded to a search page.

3. It is also beneficial to sign into your account. Click the “Sign In” link on the right. This will allow you to create ILL requests.

4. In the Resources, menu, navigate to the A-Z eResource List.

Additionally, From the library home page (select Library Website in the Library Links menu), you can select the “A-Z Resources List” in the “Find” dropdown menu on the top navigation bar. You can also click on the A-Z link in the footer.


5. This will take you to the A-Z eResource List page. There, select the “Journals” button. It is better to find the journal and navigate down to the article than to search for the article directly due to linking issues within the system.

6. Then type in the exact title or ISSN number in the appropriate box. The title can be found in the article’s citation (italics in APA format).

7. Select your journal of interest. Based on the results, select the journal that you want. Sometimes the journal titles change names; you can verify that it is the same journal using the ISSN number.

8. Select the journal title with the coverage of interest. Different sources of the journal have different coverages. Some have embargoes (i.e., a waiting period for recent articles) and some have different start dates. Based on your article date, select a source of the journal with the coverage of interest.

9. Navigate to the article of interest using the information in the citation. Using your citation, navigate to the year, issue and number of the journal of interest to find your article. Click on the PDF link to be able to download and save it. If no PDF link is there, double check the coverage of the journal source you selected. Print journals are also in the A-Z list for e-Resources.


  • Last Updated Dec 01, 2021
  • Views 65
  • Answered By Jeff Elliott

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